Tuesday, July 3, 2012

On Liberal Charisma

When I express my views to other people, quite a few bring up the argument "Well if what you believe is so good for everyone, then why isn't it more popular? Why are so many people liberal?" First of all, do not be offended that I don't agree with you. I didn't say liberalism was bad, I said I didn't agree with it. Secondly, the reason why I believe that few others share my opinion is because our society is very self-centered. If you think about it, we have two super powers that comprise our actively voting population: conservatives and liberals. I am not saying that every conservative or liberal does this, but those groups of people as a whole tend to try and pass laws that suit their own agendas. Both are guilty of trying to remake our country in their image, both are jepordizing our freedom. However, it does seem that the liberals have a more...advertised following. And by that I mean that the great majority of newspapers, television shows, movies, and newscasts seem to be liberal. I don't actually know if there are more conservatives or more liberals in our country, and quite frankly I don't give a rat's ass. My point is, a lot of the media that we come in contact with seems to be liberal. This gives the liberal operation quite a lot of charisma. To see movie stars and famous authors as avid advocates of the liberal agenda kinda makes you want to join in. The liberal agenda also has aspects that appeal to everyone. The poor are drawn in by the promise of being taken care of, the well-off are drawn in by the thought of being charitable and taking care of others, the young student is drawn in by the desire to be enlightened. I will say this: it IS appealing, and it DOES have good intent. But here is the problem with it. First of all, when you take care of people, you promote a sense of entitlement. The Americans of today are not accountable or responsible (on the whole, not individually), fiscally or politically. Also, if the government takes care of everyone, it erases the motivation for community, charity, and selflessness. It is impossible to eradicate bad situations from this world. As long as human beings have free will, there will be bad choices being made, and someone will suffer. It is cruel, but the beautiful thing about it is that when terrible things happen, it has a way of drawing people together. I think that we are hindering our potential as citizens of this country. Secondly, there is a problem when someone drafts a law or policy when they have no idea what it is implying for the people "at the bottom of the food chain". For example, I work in insurance, and when Obamacare was first being talked about, a lot of people thought that it would help our healthcare system. I'll admit that our healthcare system sucks, but it is still the best in the world. A federal mandate presents many issues for us pee-ons. Though I do not understand all of this bill, I do know that the government already handles its paperwork very poorly, having dealt with several government-related insurances, and I seriously doubt that Obamacare will make it easier for doctors to get paid for services rendered or for patients to recieve coverage. If Obama really wants to reform the healthcare system, the first thing he should do is abolish UCR (Usual and Customary Rate). This basically means that your insurance company can decide how much the services redered are worth. So, if you have a 100,000 dollar surgery and your insurance decides that it was only worth 20,000 and they will only pay 60% of that, then you are either stuck with a gigantic bill (if your provider was out of network) or your doctor can barely cover his costs (if your provider was in network). I know it all seems like gobbledegook, but that is what we have to deal with every day. Another example is that of the welfare system. It looks good on paper, but (and if you read my "On Welfare" post, you already know how I feel about it), it is so easy to take advantage of, it encourages laziness and entitlement, and it drains a lot of taxes when America's already in a heap of debt. Don't get me wrong, I think that there needs to be some program for people who can't find work, I just don't think they are entitled to cable T.V. That is a luxury. Also, the problem that I have with liberal agendas (sometimes conservative ones too, but I notice this happening more with liberal ones), is that they try to make everyone be a certain way. For instance, if I am conservative and I don't agree with being abortions, don't force me to say that abortions are normal or you'll hate me forever. We have enough hate in the world. Does that give me the right to judge someone who has had an abortion? No. But, you have no right to tell me what I need to accept. You're preaching acceptance so much, why can't you accept that we have a difference in opinion and be friends anyway? And I know that conservatives are VERY guilty of trying to make people be a certain way, but the difference I have noticed with liberals, is they turn everything into a political issue. Gay rights, abortion, gun control...none of it is a political issue. You want to go be gay? Be gay! That is your own business. You want an abortion? You know what? That is between you and your doctor. You don't like guns? Don't own one. Takes no effort really, you just don't have to walk into a gun store. So, please don't think that I am hating on anyone here, I am just trying to understand and articulate my feelings about the general madness that is our country. We need to stop trying to make everyone be a certain way, and unite as Americans.

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