Friday, August 5, 2011

On Welfare

It has been far too long since I have penned my thoughts on this once-great nation. This being said, there is one subject that has been constantly occupying my thoughts. The welfare system of the United States of America is, well to put it bluntly: idiotic. It is just another tax-sucking way that our government has found to coddle its population.

There was a time, my fellow patriots, when Americans had dignity, and not this self-serving sense of entitlement. If a U.S. Citizen was down and out, he or she would work hard to pull themselves up, and if asking for money was absolutely necessary, he or she would ask his or her family for help. Now, I am told that the reason this is not a practice today is because “it’s humiliating.” What? So as a person on welfare, you would rather be a burden to the millions of hardworking taxpayers than to your family who knows and loves you? That’s cowardice. All the government is doing is building a faceless system so people feel better about taking money that isn’t theirs. Call me a cretin, but I think you are supposed to feel bad when you take money that isn’t yours. That’s how it works. That is your good work ethic saying “Don’t freeload!”

Now, I understand that not everyone has a wealthy relative to ask for money. I don’t believe the welfare system should be abolished, I just believe that it should be radically revolutionized, but then again, I am a person who thinks that government should be run like a business and not a babysitting service. I believe that if someone is in need of welfare, then they can have it until they are back on their feet, but as soon as they are, they have to pay all that money back. I am convinced that this practice alone would eliminate about 80% of the people on welfare. If you don’t pay the money back, you go to jail (This makes sense, since not returning money that you borrowed is stealing.). If the government makes being on welfare uncomfortable, people aren’t going to want to stay there like bloated pigs getting iphones and manicures and demanding cable T.V.

I don’t think that you should have everything a middle class family has when you are on welfare. The idea that everyone is entitled to have cable T.V. whether they work for it or not is a very communist idea and it is unfair to the people who worked hard so that they could have cable T.V. If you are on welfare, you shouldn’t have a new house, a cell phone, a fancy manicure, or a new car. You are not entitled to those things, they are the things one earns from working hard. On the other hand, I don’t think that the government should regulate what welfare money is being spent on. As I said before, if people had to pay the money back, they would make things like food and shelter priorities over iphones and Prada bags.

If the welfare system I have proposed were put into action, families would become more humble and develop closer relationships with one another. Families need to depend on one another. It is part of what makes a family so strong. The problem now is that a lot of families are too aloof to help one another. Without the government as a crutch, this would be a smaller issue. Also, there would be a greater sense of community; people would go to churches or public charities if they needed help, not to a suited beaurocracy run by tax-hungry pompous morons. Lastly, taxes would significantly decrease, stimulating the economy and lessening the burden on the middle class families.

Maybe I should end this with “Hope” and “Change” so the idiots will listen too.

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